Tell That Mick (Jagger) He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today

So just a little insight into my office life here, but some of the lovely girls at my work have been compiling/completing a list of things to do. But this is no ordinary list, oh no. It's a 40 things before 40 list and as I approach dangerously close to the big three zero (it's not this year FYI, so no Happy 30th Birthday wishes in March please... It won't be appreciated) I felt inspired to start my own little "bucket" list which I finally penned down just the other day... Not that I expect to kick the bucket at 40, after all I hear life begins then anyway. And it's not that I don't think I've achieved a lot with my 28 years but there's still so much I want to do. I've not travelled nearly enough, I still don't have my life completely in check and I definitely don't feel like a fully fledged adult (as some of the ridiculous points on my list prove). 

I decided I'd share my list of "things to do" as maybe it will inspire you to write your own, I mean it's good to keep your goals in check just incase you get waylaid right?! Or maybe I figured I'd share it so you can get to know me a little better or just as concrete proof that these aims exist therefore I'm now obliged to start ticking them off. I'm not going to lie, not all my goals and ambitions are that inspirational. In fact my 40 before 40 may have accidentally in parts started to resemble a shopping list. Some of them are silly, some are "never going to happen in a million years never mind 32" but never the less they're something to aim for. So without further ado let's get listing. Enjoy.

1. Buy a house/flat- So last year I moved back home with my mum so I could get my finances in order. Since then Joe and myself have been saving none stop and I'd like to think this could happen in the next year or two... Maybe sooner...

2. Learn to drive- My excuse so far in life has been that I'd be a liability on the road but "thousands of soggy shoes whilst waiting for my train to finally arrive" later and I think I'm willing to take the risk. Sorry general public. 

3. Own a Figaro- The dreamiest car which I envision going with so many outfits and that's about as far as my car preferences go.

4. Go to Tokyo/Kyoto... Basically go to Japan- This has been on my mental bucket list for as long as I can remember. Obviously I only want to go during Blossom season and obviously that's when it's at it's most expensive to get there. 
5. Stay in Park Hyatt Hotel Tokyo- Also known as the hotel in Lost In Translation, one of my favourite films. 

6. Visit Tashirojima- Haven't heard of this island just off Japan? (Can you tell I really want to go to Japan yet?) Well Google it and just a small clue as to why exactly I want to visit it... It's also known as Cat Island.

7. Own a Whippet of my very own- Don't get me wrong I love Bluebell our family Cocker Spaniel but I absolutely ADORE these beautiful, spindly pups! 

8. See the Pandas- whether it's at San Diego/Edinburgh zoo or a sanctuary in China these little lazy creatures are high on my list. I've put "see Pandas" but if "steal a Panda" is also an option than I'm willing to try.

9. Go to San Fransisco- The backdrop for one of Hitchcock's most famous films and a personal favourite of mine (FYI film locations comes up a lot on this list).

10. Actually knit a jumper- as opposed to just knitting a scarf which so far is the limit to my knitting abilities. 

11. See The Rolling Stones- Anyone else kick themselves that they didn't go to Glastonbury the year Rolling Stones AND Arctic Monkeys performed?

12. Own a Cat Sanctuary but then in the same bullet point I've written buy a Ganni Julliard jumper?- Showing just how short my attention span is...

13. Go To Lisbon- This is more a point for this year. Me and my best friend Emma have been sort of planning this for the past few months now.

14. Overcome fear of water- Not. Going. To. Happen.... But I did go to Venice and only freaked out twice (that I let Joe know about anyway).
15. Learn to swim- I don't own a bathing suit. There's a really small piece of crap trivia for you. I don't like beaches and pools are obviously a no go.

16. Meet Paul McCartney- Just a "Hiya Paul" would do. Chances of bumping into him in my local Sainsbury's? Slim.

17. Try Yoga- I love that I wrote "try Yoga" not "start Yoga" showing just how little faith I have in myself to actually keep it up.

18. Learn to use a film camera properly- Joe's good at it and it fascinates me.

19. Rail (or drive) through Italy, top to bottom or bottom to top- My dad's Italian so I've been all over Italy but I'd like to spend at least 4 or 5 weeks in this beautiful country exploring.

20. Own an Acne leather jacket- Because no other leather jacket will do... Actually not true, I'm a huge fan of a Whistle's leather.

21. Use my blog more to really have a voice- Deep maaaan! No but seriously as a twenty something year old girl, I feel it's super important to express female empowerment however that may be and hopefully inspire others because supporting other each is BEYOND important. I don't want the next generation of women to ever feel devalued and sexual discrimination should NOT be happening anymore. End of story. It blows my mind that gender equality is STILL something we have to rally for. But however long we have to, then that's however long we should continue to do so!

22. Do The Beatle's Magical Mystery Tour- Do you like have much these points fluctuate? I feel like a psychologist would have a field day with my list! It's crazy that I've never done this tour!! I've also never been anywhere "touristy" in London...

23. Own an organised wardrobe- This would entail me actually doing the organising. Gah!

24. Learn French again? (I wrote the question mark so I'm keeping it there)- Something tells me I'm not too serious about this one... 

25. Visit Kellerman's Resort AKA Mountain Lake Hotel- AKA the set of my all time, undefeated, favourite film ever, ever, EVER! Dirty Dancing! I also wrote beside this point "dance down steps/carry watermelon". Nice.
26. Own a Chanel bag- Just because that would be nice wouldn't it?

27. Read all books on my list- I have a list of books I've always really wanted to read but just never got round to. I've already started this aim and am currently reading The Book Thief. Others include; On The Road, The Help, Jane Eyre and The Colour Purple. Suggestions welcome!

28. Watch all IMDB's 100 films to see before you die- now I'm a film geek but I've still only watched 61! That's terrible isn't it?

29. Meet Taylor Swift- So I can stop wondering if she's ACTUALLY a nice person and also thank her for Red.

30. See Elton John live- Farewell tour here I come.

31. Visit Katz Deli- To order "what she's having" obviously...
32. Some how curate my only clothes collection- This is a biggy. Would anyone buy clothes designed by me? I would so at least that's definitely one person.

33. Grow my hair so I can wear it in Milkmaid plaits again- I did say some of these points were silly but I think we can now all clearly see that even THAT was an understatement.

34. Visit my very good friend Vic in Australia- Because I miss her and this shouldn't even really be on the list. I'd really like it to happen soon.

35. See the Northern Lights- A classic bucket list entry followed by...

36. Go on Safari- I want to see Lions looking happy.

37. Watch all Rocky films- I don't actually want to do this because I know I won't like them (controversial) and I've gone this far purposefully avoiding watching them but the time has come.
38. Visit The Stanley Hotel- inspiration for The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. I also wrote next to this point "visit Holly Golightly's street in New York"... Don't know if I was planning to do this one after the other but it seems like an ever so slight detour from Colorado.

39. Visit Pompeii- Self explanatory. It was a toss up between this and the Pyramids. I mean either would be good.

40. Learn to poach an egg- Can you believe that was my last aim? Maybe I was hungry when I wrote that one down. But still! I genuinely wish I'd do this on a weekly basis.

Right so that's my list of things I'd like to do! All 40 goals, aims and aspirations. Some basic, others may take some time and meeting Paul McCartney will just happen if it happens hey?! Check back in with me on my 40th birthday and we'll see how far I got...

Wish me luck. Happy list writing.

Sophia x

PS Please, please, please share your bucket list musts with me! I'd absolutely love to hear what you guys are planning!

Outfit Details: Yellow Banana T-Shirt- Ganni, Navy Mohair Cardigan- Sezane, Barrel Leg Frayed Hem Jean- Whistles, Lace Up Leather Boots- By Far Shoes.