It's A Marvellous Night For A Moon Dance

Exactly two days to go- All my presents are bought and wrapped, all logistical plans of how I can some way manage to see everyone I know and effectively be in more than one place at one time have been made and a small truck load of mince pies have already been eaten. If you're not ready for christmas now, you ain't ever going to be ready in time my friend. Ok so last time we spoke I was a teeny weeny bit of a Grinch, but know that all my complaining was done with nothing but love and affection... Now all my festive jobs are done and dusted, it's completely a different story. I can lounge around in my PJs, eating cheese platters, watching Christmas TV gold and effectively just being a maximum chill lady of leisure, in the most smug- "oh what you mean, its the 23rd and you've still not wrapped your presents"- kinda way. Needless to say I'm getting more into the swing of things, joy to the world and all that jazz.

So I guess we could call this post my "official" festive post although if I'm being perfectly honest with you, I toyed with the idea of doing a big "Christmas outfit" bit but then I sort of vetoed it. Why? Because I didn't want to patronise you by telling you to wear sparkles, tartan, velvet or gold over the festive period... We know that works and we know it will always work, its like me telling you to wear a sundress in summer. However I have worn a fair few delightful velvet numbers already this December and if you've been reading my blog or following me on Instagram for a while, you'll know gold, silver and stars regularly crop up. It would be rude not to share another metallic fuelled outfit with you right? Especially with Christmas just around the corner. Like I said I'm not going to wax lyrical about what a great idea it is to wear silver to a festive party, because you already know the drill BUT what I do want to talk about is next level star adorning. I'm not normally a big accessories kinda gal however earrings have slowly creeped back into my life and I'm very much ok with it. Don't roll your eyes at me on this but there's something a little vintage inspired about wearing earrings these days, its like from 2000 to 2015 we kinda forgot about them unless they were a classic silver sleeper or big statement jewellery. Stellar themed earrings are a subtle, Chanel-esque way to squeeze the star trend into your wardrobe oooor why not up the ante a little further like myself and get adding them to your mane via slides or clips? Just a suggestion but I would seriously recommend... Just saying...
I will leave you with my last outfit before Christmas no further words as I know you can put together perfectly fantastic festive outfits without my help. I hope you enjoy and a very Merry Christmas to you all you lovely bunch of festive elves.

Sophia x

PS You know how I said I was real smug about being Christmas ready, well I should mention that on Boxing Day I'm off to Venice and I'm 100% NOT holiday ready... Just to make any of you guys still shopping for Christmas presents feel just a touch better.

Shop My Outfit
Blouse- Marks & Spencer
Skirt- Vintage but similar from New Look
Boots- Kurt Geiger
Slides- Oliver Bonas


  1. I work retail currently,so this time of year makes work justπŸ˜£πŸ˜ πŸ˜‚,but I'm feeling really good about Christmas day. Merry Christmas and happy new years πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ‰

  2. your hair is so cute like this :)

  3. That blouse is stunning! I love how shiny it is and you've worn it well. x

    / O.R.R. - Life & Style Journal
